
During the day, 2,000 Pinus Occidentalis trees were planted

Constanza. – The company Alfridomsa together with IBT Group and Parque del Prado, carried out a reforestation day in theareas of Pinar Bonito and Rio Grande, areas adjacent to the Valle Nuevo National Park, strips that have been affected by forest fires and indiscriminate felling of trees.

The reforestation event had the support of the Ministry of the Environment, the Army of the Dominican Republic, and the Fire Department Coronel Marun J. Tactuk in Constanza, allowing employees and collaborators of the business group to reinforce their commitment to the environment to make a difference for the benefit of Dominican society.

“Our country is facing increasing processes of deforestation, loss and degradation of its ecosystems. For this reason, at Alfridomsa, IBT Group and Parque del Prado, we are committed to increasing the impact of our environmental footprint, so we cautiously identify and measure our operations. This reforestation day is an example of the interest shared by our collaborators to protect our environment”, said Ms. Gina Victoriano, executive vice president of the business group.

During the event, 2,000 Pinus Occidentalis were planted, making these 67,000 planted trees of different spices, recovering thousands of hectares of forests of intervened areas, with the aim of attracting the animal biodiversity characteristic of the area and plant protection.

Reforestation is a desired and necessary climate solution. Alfridomsa, for more than ten years, has involved collaborators from all areas with the environment, through reforestation, as well as a sustainability policy within the company.

Alfridomsa, is part of the companies that are committed to the environment, promoting reforestation events as part of their corporate responsibility, and involving in turn, their collaborators to be an example within the company, the community, and their own families.

The event was held with all the rules of physical distancing, use of masks and safety to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Supplies Donation

The company Alfridomsa made, during its intervention, a donation of biosafety supplies to the staff of the Ministry of Environment of the city of Constanza, within the framework of its implementation actions in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Dominican Republic.

More about Alfridomsa

Almacenes y Frigoríficos Dominicanos (ALFRIDOMSA), an avant-garde company created in 2010, in accordance with the legislation and commercial regulations of the Dominican Republic under the firm purpose of contributing to the economic and social development of the country, offering comprehensive services of: Logistic operators storage in cold rooms, fiscal and general warehouses, authorized warehouses, pledge warehouses, logistics of the transport for the physical distribution of the goods, both cold and in dry, classification and packaging, commercialization of refrigerated and frozen products.

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